Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Notabilities Video

Thanks everyone for your get well comments, emails and phone calls! The results from my latest tests just came back and I have ulcers so no surgery needed. Whew!

I am feeling better so I thought…why not a do a video on how to make a notebook out of index cards.

Now for a brief commercial message: MizMaryAnn you won the July 27th giveaway and unfortunately I have not heard from you. Please email me your address by Friday so I can get your package mailed. My email is If I do not hear from you by Saturday, August 13th, I will need to select another winner. Hurry!

Now back to the video!



AllyBug28 said...

GREAT tutorial! Thanks for sharing :)

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the tutorial. I love the little notebook and will definitely be making one, too.

Anonymous said...

Love the small book great for
your purse. Thank you for sharing

arat said...

Thanks for the tutorial. I have tried many things that you have shown, because your videos are so clear and instructions so easy. Thanks again!!!

KardsbyKadie said...

Great Tutorial Linda - and as much as I would like the winner to surface and claim her prize....I would be the one jumping up and down in Arizona saying......Re-Pick and Pllllezzeeee pick me! Thanks for sharing yet another Paper Boutique masterpiece...You Rock Girlfriend!

Deneen said...

Great idea! Love the bright colors. I have been using those hair bands for years. They come in handy for lots of things. I use them to contain the excess of a cord that is to long and for tying bags of frozen veggies ect. Also have used them for gathering curtains to make a rosette. So many uses.

Crafting Katie said...

Awesome tutorial, Linda! I'm glad you're not going to have to have any gallbladder surgery, but I'm sorry to hear you have ulcers. I hope you get them under control and feel better!

Luv 2 Create said...

Well I am glad to hear that atleast they have figured out the cause of your pain, but sorry to hear you have ulcers. You will definitely have to take care of yourself. Enjoyed your video.

MizMaryAnn said...

Here I am Linda. I emailed you this morning. Guess I learned my lesson to read everything instead of just watching the video. Thank you so very much for your generous giveaway. I love your noteabilitie book. The colors are so bright and beautiful. Great idea especially for a trip. Thank you again. I can't tell you how excited I am to win this bundle.

TechieScrapper said...

I really loved your note card idea. I like make cool booklets like that for my girls.

sir2m3 said...

Thanks for the tutorial! This will make a great gift for my granddaugthers daycare teachers.I will give it a try, thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

great tutorial. you always are so organized with them. love this idea. i'm going to be making a few of these. thanks so much

Cheryl said...

I made this project and wrote about it here, on my blog: I put tabs on the right side and used a label maker for the tab text. It turned out sooo cute. I just love your tutorials. Thanks!!!

Linda Kaiser said...

Congrats MizMaryAnne... I will get your package in the mail! yahoo!


Linda Kaiser said...

Cheryl, I love your book! The tabs are perfect!


grammy deed said...

OMG my husband just went thru tests to see of he was having gallbladder too. Not gallbladder but they think an ulcer also. He was having pain severe enough to think it was heart and they ruled that out also. He is under lots of stress at work so I guess ulcers are contagious right now. He is feeling better and I am glad you are too.

Maria said...

Great video tutorial, and little notebook!!!!

Kate said...

What a fabulous notebook! The papers are delightful!
Linda - I am so sorry to read that you've got ulcers but thankful that surgery will not be necessary. I will say prayers for your quick healing!

Anonymous said...

i love this cute idea. i have already made one. thanks so much for the tutorial.

Anonymous said...

I just saw your tutorial today and now I know what to do with all the index cards I have!! Great project.

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