I am super excited to announce that thanks to Silhouette, I am giving away another Silhouette Portrait cutting machine! One of my lucky subscribers or followers will win their very own Silhouette Portrait.
To enter to win the Silhouette Portrait cutting machine, you need to be a subscriber or follower of my blog. You can sign up over on the right side of this blog (if you are not there already). And leave a comment under this post, only one comment per person please. For an additional chance to win, please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you have not already, and leave an additional comment on this post that you did.
You have until midnight MDT on Sunday May 12th to enter and the winner will be announced on Monday May 13th. Now for more wonderful news Silhouette is having a mega sale!
I confess this is my first time using Silhouette chipboard and I am in love! It cuts like butter!!
Silhouette’s chipboard cuts like butter. I used several images from the Silhouette on-line store to make these adorable coasters for a baby shower. I cut two of the scalloped circles out of card stock and one out of the chipboard. I cannot believe how durable the coasters are. My next step is to cover the coasters with matt Mod Podge. I so ran out of time and just had to show you what I made!
You could make these coasters for many different occasions using a variety of images. Super fun party idea! Click here to see a video on how to cut the chipboard. So easy!!
You are going to love using Silhouette chipboard and and I plan to make more chipboard projects! I might even make a video. Have a great day and click here if you would like to order any of the above products.Remember the Promo code is BOUTIQUE. Please feel free to spread the word and don’t forget to enter my giveaway!

1 – 200 of 322 Newer› Newest»This is a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win. I follow your blog through GFC.
What a great giveaway. This would be of great use in our school.
Exciting giveaway! I follow your blog through GFC and Feedly. thanks.
What an exciting opportunity. I'd love to win! Thank you for the chance!
What a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win. Love your blog!
What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win!
Cool. It's a great value on the chipboard and download card, too.
Ohhh, I'd love to win a portait, thanks for the opportunity! :)
I believe in luck!
Thank you!
I follow you on YouTube.
Follow via email - flagler1965 at gmail dot com
You tube subscriber - Ellen Casper
What a nice giveaway!!! Thank you so much!! I subscribe to you blog via email!
I am a YouTube subscriber - cropmom66
This is a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to win the Silhouette! It would be great for making cards for Operation Write Home.
I love it when you host these giveaways, and those coasters are adorable! Thank you for sharing your passion and your talent with us.
I follow via email (lauradassance at yahoo dott com)
Subscribed to YouTube (new subscriber)
oh this is sooo awesome
and yes I am now a youtube follower as well ... it is so well worth it *drooling about all these creation possibilities*
Awesome giveaway!!!! I am a follower & subscriber. TFS
i am a follower of your blog and look forward to fab five friday every week
I am a follower of both, You Tube and I am a subscriber of your blog and I really enjoy your tutorials!
I would LOVE a chance to win the Silhouette Portrait. I will be waiting for the announcement!
I am also a follower of your you tube channel.
Great giveaway and thanks for a chance to win. Would love to have this for my granddaughter. Enjoy your blog and keep up the good work.
I am now a you tube follower too!!! Would love to win this great prize. Thx Linda for the chance.
Wow, pick me, pick me, would love the Portrait. I'm a blog follower.
I'm a youtube follower also.
Leanna Mohr
Woo hoo! I would love, love, love to win this! I have been a follower of your blog and youtube channel for quite some time.
Thank you.
:) Pam
Yay! Thanks for the chance! I follow you in both places.
Wonderful giveaway I follow you through e-mail. Thanks for chance to win.
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway. I am a follower on your blog. Love the projects that you do!!!
Do I feel lucky? Sure hope so, thanks so much for the chance to win!
I'd love to win the Silhouette Thanks for the opportunity.
Follower on YouTube as well. Carol M in TX
I want it, I want it! My friend just got the cameo and I have a Cricut and didn't think I needed another machine but we've been playing with her cameo and I've changed my mind. Thanks for an opportunity to win one, wouldn't that just be a fantastic Mother's Day present for me? LOL
I have never used chipboard either, so this would be a fun time to start!
just subscribed to your YouTube
Great give away, would love to win!
Thank you once again for the great giveaway. I do subscribe to your blog and love it! Thanks the chance to win!
what a great giveaway. I subscribe to your blog, and Youtube. Hope to win. Love the coasters and will need those for a shower later this year.
I am also a subscriber o your You Tube.
Just subscribed to your YouTube channel...justjulesinfayette! Thanks again!
Fantastic give away - I follow you on You Tube also. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
Also a follower on your Youtube channel.
Thank you for such a great giveaway. Everyone needs one of these to create all the amazing projects you show us. I'm already a follower of your blog.
I also follow you on Youtube.
I follow you on YouTube
I'm new to the world of Silhouette, and I spent all last weekend learning how to use it with your videos. Thanks for being such an awesome instructor... and thanks for this super giveaway!!!
And thru gfc!!
Merci merci , je veux bien participer .
I am already a subscriber to your blog! :)
And I already subscribe to your YouTube channel. :)
How wonderful. Would love to win.
Thanks! Great giveaway... once again. I'm already subscribe to you blog.
What an exciting giveaway - I really, really, hope I win! I follow your blog via email notifications.
I would love to win this. I can already see myself creating so many things with it. Keeping my fingers crossed and toes too 😊
I am already a follower of your blog...great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am also now a follower of your Youtube channel. Thanks again!
Linda, thank you for the chance to win. I am a subscriber and also follow your very helpful YouTube videos. I would love to win a portrait and am keeping my fingers crossed!
Funny I thought i had already subscribed to your You Tube Channel. I sent my sister the link on the silhouette pens you did and she ordered them right away! So you get two sisters for the price of one! Thanks for all you do you are a constant source of transpiration and I enjoy receiving your emails each week.
I would just love to win the Silhouette! I think it would be a great Mother's Day present for me! bringler@att.net
OMG typing here is like using swype on my cell phone ... I thought I typed inspiration and out came transpiration which must be a cross between inspiration and transportation.. in that case I need to leave for work at 11.. I'll be waiting for you!
Linda, thanks for the opportunity to win!! I am a subscriber to your blog.
I follow you on You Tube. Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome prize!
Thanks for this great opportunity! I'd love to win. I love your videos and follow you there.
I want a silhouette portrait so bad! Thanks for the chaance to win one
I want a silhouette portrait so bad! Thanks for the chance to win one.
Woohoo!! I love giveaways! and would love to win a silhouette!!
Thank you for the chance to win this great giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!
I'm also a Youtube subscriber. Thanks for all your inspiration!
Awesome Giveaway Linda.
Thanks, Linda, for this opportunity. I love your blog. You do such interesting things. Great inspiration!
Great giveaway. Thanks so much
Donna C.
What an awesome giveaway! You are so lucky to have companies love what you do! How very special!
Great giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Always love Silhouette... this is a great giveaway! Glad I found your blog, full of inspirations. Thank you!
Thank you for an incredible giveaway! I follow your blog & YouTube channel.
These are such cute coasters! What a great idea! Thank you for the chance to win! :)
What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to own one of these awesome machines! Thank you for the chance to win! I am a follower.
I am a subscribe on your Youtube.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Would love to win one. Thanks for the chance!
Thanks for the chance to win!
WOW they have been so generous here. Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks so much for the chance to win. I follow your blog!
I subscribed to your Youtube channel as well!
Thank you for the chance to win! I am a subscriber to this blog & follow you on Pinterest as well.
I already follow your YouTube channel, too. Thanks for the chance to win!
What a fabulous giveaway! I follow your blog through Bloglovin. Thanks
Wow!! What a fantastic giveaway!! I am already a subscriber of course, but just subscribed to your Youtube channel.
And how cool are those coasters!!
I have wanted a Silhouette for so long! My daughter and I would have a blast crafting it! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I subscribe and follow your FB page. Thanks for the chance at another awesome giveaway!!
I am a subscriber of your youtube channel as well!
I subscribed to your blog!
Linda - I am one of your happy followers and always look forward to your posts. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!
I also subscribe to your You Tube channel!
I am a GFC and an email follower
ninajanke at gmail dot com
I subscribe via you tube
Great giveaway! I would love to win one for my friend who loves making scrapbooks.
Adorable baby tags! Would love to win!
Wow! They must really love you to keep giving you Silhouette's to give away! We are blessed by your being loveable! Thanks so much!
I'm a new follower! Followed through GFC.
I also subscribed to your YouTube channel, can't wait to check out your videos!
Wow, I'm excited to have another chance to win. Fingers crossed. I already follow your blog. Thanks Pat S
I follow you on You Tube also. Thanks Pat S.
What an awesome giveaway. I would love to win it. Thank you for the chance Linda. I've been a follower for several years....Mary Ann
mahuntington@wavecable.com '
Thank you for the giveaway! I hope I'm the winner!
Debbie G
OH what a wonderful giveaway!!! I would love to win. I am an email subscriber. Love, love, love your blog. debbieanng@yahoo.com
Oh my goodness - I would love to win this! Thank you for the great giveaway.
I've been a follower of your blog and You Tube channel for quite some time. Always love your wonderful ideas and you are always have great tutorials.
Long time subscriber and follower. Love your blog you have taught me so much about crafting! I would love to win this wonderful prize!
HI long time subscriber and follower. You have taught me so much about crafts. Its just like you come into my house and share. lol Would be pleased as punch to win this lovely prize!
I'd love to win a Silhouette machine! Thanks for the opportunity and a great blog!
I just subscribed to your YouTube Channel. Thanks!
Such a great giveaway thanks for the chance to win!!!
Thanks for a chance to win and learn something new!
Thanks for the chance...enjoy your writing.
Thank you for the chance to win!!
linda l
This is a great giveaway!! Especialy since it's around Mother's Day. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Thank you for the chance to win!
I am following you on YouTube!
I would love to win!! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks again for a chance to win !
Love your You Tube Video's too!
Gina Mc
I follow you on Google Reader and love your projects and your giveaways.
I follow you on GFC and Bloglovin. Thanks for the chance to win!
I subscribed on Youtube (anzhiey)
I love these coasters, such a great idea! j_ropponen@hotmail.com
Would love a chance to use to the chipboard! Thanks for the opportunity!
I subscribe to your YouTube Channel!
Thanks for the giveaway! Silhouette is so generous, as are you. I follow your blog.
I am following your blog!
I am following your YouTube channel!
I follow your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Awesome giveaway. I've wanted one of these for the longest time : )
Already a follower of your blog via GFC as Kathy or Kathy Lisam.
kangaroomamajourney at gmail dot com
Subscribed to your Youtube channel as http://www.youtube.com/user/Thelisams
kangaroomamajourney at gmail dot com
OOh I want one of these. The idea of cutting my own chipboard is awesome. Please enter me in your draw, I am a long time follower. Off to subscribe to your YouTube Channel.
I am now a YouTube subscriber
I follow your blog via GFC Melanie
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you and Silhouette for this chance to win.
A follower, Gail
I follow your blog and also follow you on You Tube. Thanks so much for giving me the chance to win the Silhouette. I really want one of these machines!
Iv'e never seen that machine before I follow your blog an d your utube videos
I follow your blog. What a great giveaway
Excellent giveaway! You have so many great ideas! I wish I had time for them all.
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
I'm a follower of your blog!
Another great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. I was already subscribed to your YT channel and I did leave a comment there. Thanks again.
Thanks for such a great giveaway! I follow your blog and would love to create some of the fantastic projects you post.
I follow your Youtube channel also.
I would love the win the Silhouette!! Thank you for the opportunity.
I follow up blog avidly. You have great stuff!
I have already subscribed to your Youtube channel! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Would love to win this!!
I just subscribed! Thank you for hosting =)
I also subscribed to your Youtube channel!
Wow, what an amazing giveaway!! I would love to win this!! Thanks so much for the chance!! I'm a long-time subscriber!!
A Mermaid's Crafts
I subscribed to you Youtube channel!! Thanks for another chance to win :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
I follow via GFC! Thanks for the giveaway!
What a wonderful giveaway! I don't own a Silhouette, but I would love to have one. Thanks for the chance to win!
I just love your blog...Thanks for this chance!
This would be a great win. I could really use it.
yea! thanks for a chance to win!!!
Great giveaway! I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!!!
How 'terrificly awesome' are you for such an awesome give away! I have been a blog follower for years; and I must say, I've learned TONS from your videos too!
Hi Linda!
Thank you for another chance to win :) Your coasters are adorable! You always have the best ideas!!!
Me again :)
I've subscribed to your YouTube Channel. Thanks!!!
Just love your blog! ! also follow you on FB and your You Tube Channel.
Thanks for the opportunity. This is a GREAT giveaway!
Linda, I am a follower, a subscriber and I just signed up to follow you on pinterest.
thanks for the give away.
Followed you via GFC and also e-mail.
Subscribed to your youtube channel.
I have followed you for a loooong time and am excited about this fabulous giveaway. Did a little research about the difference between the Portrait and Cameo and I'm thrilled to have a chance to win it. Thank you SO much! On my way over to youtube now. :)
Am now subscribed at youtube, too!
Everyone loves a giveaway, me included! Thanks for the time and effort you put into your blog and YouTube channel. I know I appreciate it and I'm sure everyone else does too.
I'd love to try it with chipboard! Following on GFC! :)
Subscribed to your youtube channel!
I would love to win a silhouette. Thanks for the chance. I am a follower.
I am a youtube subscriber. Such a great give away. I will keep my fingers crossed.
I love your coasters!!! What a fantastic idea! Thank you for the chance to win!
Thanks fr another chance at this awesome giveaway.
marg0006 at Verizon dot net
Thanks for this wonderful give away.
Thanks for a second chance to win this wonderful prize.
Hi Linda! I'm already a follower of your blog and subscriber of your You Tube channel. I will be ordering the chipboard bundle, so excited to try this new product. Thank you for bringing us these special offers and the chance to win the Portrait. Have a great day!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I just liked you on youtube.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! It's spring and time to get my new craft room organized! Gosh, it would be SO much fun to do so with a Silhouette!
Yeah - another chance to win a Silhouette. I've been a subscriber/fan for some time and I do love your projects.
I'm a subscriber! I love your site!
I subscribed to your you tube page!
Awesome giveaway! I subscribe to your blog!
Kris in Alaska
funamom at yahoo dot com
I also subscribe to your YouTube channel!
Kris in Alaska
funamom at yahoo dot com
Wonderful give away. hope I win.
I also subscribe to your site and channel on youtube
Yay for such an awesome giveaway!!! I'm absolutely a follower! And I love your project! I'm going to go watch the video right now!
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
Oh, and I'm also a follower on your Youtube channel :)
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
Following you via gfc!
Thanks for the chance to win this great machine.
Fab giveaway!!!! Love your blog!!!
I've learned soooo much.
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