Friday, February 28, 2014

Fab Five Friday……Claudine Hellmuth Style!

Fab Five Friday will return next Friday since today is all about Claudine Hellmuth. Last week, I received the nicest email from Claudine, thanking me for my Silhouette tutorials and telling me how helpful they have been to her. I was so honored and immediately did my happy dance. Claudine is a wonderful artist, designer, illustrator and author, and I am so humbled by her kind comments.

I love the free retro eyeglasses print and cut file and just had to share it with all of you. In fact, this is her first SVG freebie ever! Yahoo!

Claudine even posted a video on how to set up this adorable print and cut file. I can’t wait to try making these retro glasses! Wonder how they will look on our cats?

Also check out her video below on how to make faux glazed paper. She is a mixed media guru and a multi-talented lady!

I hope you are having a wonderful day and thanks again Claudine for making my day perfect!


Scrappy Pink Corner said...

Super cool for those who love mixed media. Thanks for sharing. Ana

Trish said...

Thanks Linda for sharing the mixed media video! I love all things paper and ink and glue and.....

Anonymous said...

I have no clue how to cut SVG files or what is required. I love the sunglasses - is there a way to cut them on a regular Cricut?
Elaine S.

claudine hellmuth said...

hi Linda!
thank you SO much for posting my freebie!! I am so thrilled to be on your blog!!

claudine hellmuth said...

Elaine - I don't think it will work on the cricut because they stopped allowing use of 3rd party software :(

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