Monday, June 22, 2015

Camping Vacation

School is out and it was time to take a vacation. We hadn't been to the Swan Valley area of Montana for a while so we reserved campsites at Placid Lake and Holland Lake for some rest and relaxation.

Bill took the following photos and agreed to guest  write today's post. Thanks Bill!

This is Placid Lake, near the town of Seely Lake in Montana. The lake is full of fish and we had good luck fishing off shore in my brother-in-law's boat. Most fish were West-Slope Cutthroat Trout and a few Silver Salmon.

Mission Range from the east side. These mountains rise up to 9,000 ft. 

As I was driving along a logging road, I saw a doe dive into the bushes and, as fawns instinctively do, this one laid down and was completely motionless. I took a few picture  from the distance with my telephoto lens so I would not disturb the fawn, and then I quickly moved on.

The Swan Valley is on the border of the 1,500 sq mi. Bob Marshall Wilderness. The "Bob" as many  locals like to call it, is one of  the wildest locations in the lower 48 states. Many of the horses you see in the area are likely pack horses that take campers and hunters in to the back country.

Have a great day and I will have more photos for you Wednesday!



Scrappy Pink Corner said...

Amazing pictures. The picture of the lake is breathtaking. Please post some more pics. Thanks, Ana

Luv 2 Create said...

What beautiful countryside. Fabulous photos, thanks Bill for sharing with us. Looks as though you had a wonderful vacation!!!

Coelle said...

Always LOVE the pictures you share that Bill's taken of your gorgeous part of the country...thanks and keep doing it!!! :-)

Pat S said...

Great photos as usual. Thanks Bill

Loly Borda said...

Beautiful pictures Bill and Linda! Thanks for sharing!< We love going camping, but living in Alabama we haven't venture to Montana yet, now it's in my Bucket's list.

Dianne said...

I loved your photos, Bill, they were beautiful. I love camping, unfortunately, my husband does not. I would love to see that place. I even love fishing, especially, when you are on a small boat with a seat with a back, and just sit there and listen to the enviroment. No talking, just fishing. Really don't care if I catch anything, but, occasionally in Wisconsin when I was a kid, I would catch a Northern or Waleye. Will never forget those days.

Dianne Bell -

Tina said...

Beautiful! Thanks so much for letting me see parts of the country that I would not otherwise be able to see.


jeb said...

I can't tell you how jealous I am! Such beautiful scenery. It has been many years since I have been able to visit such beautiful places. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I feel happiness to read the content that you are posting. Arcadia Paper

Brenda said...

Stunning pictures Bill! I love seeing the beautiful scenery and wildlife from your neck of the woods. Hugs, Brenda

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