Bill went to Arizona to help his father with his cataract surgery. The operation was a fantastic success and his vision is now better than ever. His recovery was quite fast even though his father is 84, so Bill had time to take a few pictures with his cell phone while he was there. The local temperatures were above normal at the time so most these pictures were taken in 110 °F. Thanks Bill for sharing these photos and it so good to have you home!!
We took a drive out to Fountain Hills, Arizona and saw the fantastic fountain in Fountain Park. It sends water over 300' in the air.
This is the bridge at Roosevelt Dam, which is about 100 mile drive from Mesa, AZ.
This photo was taken near Tonto National Monument. The area is famous for ancient Native American cliff dwellings.
The prickly pear cactus makes these purple fruits which my father says can be harvested, crushed and made in to a savory juice to drink.

Hi Lida. Gorgeous pics. Breathless.
Didi you watch Anna Griffin in HSN yesterday? HAve you heard about the crop she is having in Atlanta in November. Are you going to be attending?
Ahhh so Bill came to my home turf....great pics of several familiar sights. Glad the surgery was so successful. Thanks for sharing!!! And Happy 4th to you.
Glad to hear operation was a success. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I love all the photos you take. Some of them would make beautiful cards.
Glad to hear your Father-in-law's surgery went well. Thank you for sharing the pictures of Arizona. I've been there and love it!
Wow, amazing pictures Bill! Even with a cell phone camera you get the amazing shots, the views are beautiful to say the least! Glad your father is doing well and that his surgery was a success! And I'm sure Linda is happy to have you back home. lol Hugs, Brenda
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