We recently lost our beloved cat Jackson. He was nine years old and the best cat ever. It's hard to describe how much company he was. He was always with us and loved to cuddle. He was a wonderful big brother to two kittens and adopted them like they were his own.
One minute he was playing and purring and then suddenly his back legs were paralyzed and he was having trouble breathing. We immediately rushed him to the vet, but they could not save him. He suffered a heart attack and his heart was too badly damaged.
Bridget, our two year old cat, misses him so much. We are so grateful for all the time we had with Jackson and have lots of wonderful memories.
Take care and hug your pets for me.

Hi Linda. So sorry to here about your beloved cat. I could only imagine what its like to lose an animal.
They had mis-diagnosed our golden retriever Roscoe 3 years ago telling us he had cancer on one of his paws. I was devastated when they told us they would have to amputate his paw. So losing your cat must be horrible.
hugs, Ana
Oh Linda, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. I'm sending my prayers and condolences out to you -- even though I know that there's nothing anyone can do or say to make the pain go away. Please take care of yourself and cry as much as you need to. {{{Hugs}}}
Diana ♥
Leelee Card Designs
I'm so sorry, Linda. He was a beauty. Hugs!
Awww...so sorry for your loss Linda. :(
Oh Linda, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Jackson was a beautiful cat and I'm sure he lived a happy life with you and Bill. I know you are very sadden over his loss. I know how you feel for I lost my husband in Oct. I still haven't recovered from that yet and don't think I will for quiet a while. My heart goes out to you and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Loss is never easy. Big hugs, Brenda
My heart aches for you, Linda. It breaks our hearts when we lose our pets. Hang on to the memories.
So sorry for your loss, Praying for comfort for your family . Hugs
It's just so heartbreaking when we lose our precious friends and these friends have become very much our family members. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Dear Linda,
So sorry for your beloved cat Jackson, when you loose a pet iT is always sad news.
I'am thinking of you.
Mvg Gina
Jackson was part of your family and it is a great loss! Memories are invaluable at a time like this!
Oh, I'm so sorry! I know your grief runs deep, as our pets are our family. Hugs, Cheryl
Jackson was such a handsome cat! Sorry for your sad loss. He looks like a sweetheart. He will always be in your heart. I lost my Rocky cat at 9 to cancer. My heart is still broken.
I am so sorry for your loss!
So very sad to hear of your loss.Pets are our lovely friends in life.They add so much.May you and yours be comforted.
So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is hard and I am sending you love and hugs.
Felling so bad for you
and Jackson. It is so
hard to loose our fur
babies. Remember all
the good times you
had him and love
your other babies.
Carla from Utah
So sorry for your loss I know only too well how hard it is when this happens thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful cat.
So very sorry....they do become part of the family.
Linda, I so sorry for the loss of your beloved Jackson... I am sure he is in cat heaven. You will always have comfort in his beautiful memories.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss! Pets are a real part of us and make our lives so much happier!
I am very sorry for the loss of your kitty. I know It's very painful.
So sorry for the loss of your beloved Jackson. Sending comfort prayers for you and your family.
Warm hugs ~ Lena
So sorry for your loss, sending prayers to you and your family.
Oh no Linda I am so sorry for the pain and sadness you are going through. Our pets hold a special place in our hearts that no one and nothing else can fill. I'm so glad you are remembering all the good times. That will help you get through this hard time.
Sending healing hugs,
Awwww, Linda. I'm so sorry to read about you precious kitty. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. Please give lots of tender loving care to the remaining kitties because they grieve deeply too. Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family....Linda E.
Linda, I'm so sorry to read of the loss of your beloved Jackson. Furbabies are very much a part of the family and it is difficult and sad when they are gone. Keep remembering the good times you had with him and cherish the memories. Hugs.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your pet. It's so hard to lose your special friend. My heart goes out to you.
Linda I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of Jackson. Our pets are such a part of our lives and I feel and understand your loss.
So sorry for your loss. I lost my 11 year old cat last summer. I still have trouble looking at pictures of him. May your other furry friends bring you both comfort.
It's always heartbreaking to lose a family pet. We lost two very special ones, so I can relate. Lovely pic of Jackson. Wishing healing for you.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
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