I am so grateful to Silhouette for their generosity in sponsoring a Silhouette Cameo cutting machine giveaway on this blog! They are an amazing company and manufacture terrific products! One of my lucky subscribers or followers will win their very own Silhouette Cameo!
To enter to win the Silhouette Cameo cutting machine, you need to be a follower of my blog. You can sign up over on the right side of this blog (if you are not there already). And leave a comment under this post, only one comment per person please. For an additional chance to win, please subscribe to my blog via email and leave an additional comment on this post that you did. You have until midnight MDT on Sunday August 11th to enter and the winner will be announced on Monday August 12th. Now are you ready for a sale?
Here is a breakdown of the sale items:
- Silhouette CAMEO®, 2 rolls of vinyl (chalkboard and white) and 1 roll of transfer paper: $269.99
- Buy one get one free deals on all Silhouette vinyl
Before going to my next crop, I wanted to label a few of my new tools and decided to use Silhouette vinyl and an image instead of my name. Now I can have pretty tools that I can easily identify.
Silhouette’s premium vinyl cuts like butter. This Moroccan flower is one of the 51 free files that came with my Cameo. Just imagine decorating all your tools for your next crop using this amazing vinyl.
I love the gold and black vinyl and can’t wait to order the pink and the silver! There are over 18 colors to choose from.
Below is one of my favorite vinyl projects.
This intricate doily image was designed by Samantha Walker and when you open this image it is sized at 11.7 inches. I decided to test the limits of my Cameo and the premium vinyl so I cut this intricate doily at 3.25 inches and the cut turned out perfect!
I set the blade to 1, speed to 6 and pressure at 9. I was speechless when I saw this cut! I wish you could see me doing my happy dance! I love binder clips and I used this image to decorate my metal storage container.
You can also use your Silhouette vinyl to decorate your cell phone case. Click here to visit the Silhouette blog to see a complete tutorial on how to decorate your cell phone. If you are new to working with vinyl, check out this video tutorial on Silhouette’s YouTube channel for more details.
Remember to click here to order and the promo code is BOUTIQUE. Please feel free to spread the word and don’t forget to enter my giveaway.

1 – 200 of 312 Newer› Newest»Awesome giveaway! I follow your blog through Google Friend Connect.
Oh my I really would love to win this it would be great to take on vacation, I can just see the scrapping I could get done. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm already your follower and a big ban of your work.
This is truly an amazing giveaway.
Thank you for the chance to win it.
Hugs, t.
Loving the vinyl projects. Thanks to you and Silhouette for another FAB giveaway.
Have a creative day.
Hugs Nana
♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥
I follow you're blog, love your ideas and your energy!
I also subscribe to your newsletter!
I am a follower of your blog. I love the metal tin, how pretty! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
Cecelia R.
ceray88 at g mail dot com
I've been following your blog for quite some time now -- love it! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful diecutting machine!
Winning would be the only way I would be able to have a tool like this to create beautiful cards for our church's ministry. What a gift it would be! So glad I saw this opportunity.
I get your posts through email -- love that I don't have to miss anything that way. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful prize!
Follow via gfc - ellen casper
Follow via email - flagler1965@gmail.com
So glad I found your blog to teach me how I can be more creative.
I subscribe via email too! Thanks!
I'm a follower of your blog and am amazed by your work. Thanks for a chance to win.
I'm subscribed by email & also your blog! :) Yay! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Awesome giveaway!
C. Irizarry
I have been a follower for awhile now. Thanks for the chance to win a Cameo again! :D
I would LOVE to win the Cameo and give vinyl a try!!! I can't believe how intricate the cut is on the binder clip container ~ and it's PERFECT!!! Wow!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Linda, Love your blog and never miss it. Would love to win the sihouette. Hope you pick me.
I also subscribe by email! Thanks for the second chance to win the Cameo ~ keeping my fingers crossed!
I follow your blog by email. Thanks for another chance to win a Silhouette.
Donna K U
I love that you can be blessed by giving!! TFS!
Thanks again for the chance to win. Love seeing what you design.
Oh the things I dream I could do if I win the Cameo. I have been drooling over it ever since it came out.
Wow what a great giveaway! I would love to get this- it would make my scrapbooking and cards so much better!
Thank you for the chance to win! These projects are so cute!
Thanks so much for the chance to win. I love your blog, you share such great ideas with us. Thanks lanagrams
Thanks for the chance to win! Love your blog too!
I love your vinyl projects. Thanks for the chance to win.
Another chance to win! Thanks,Linda. I follow your blog via email.
I have wanted one of these for a long time. I hope I win!!
What an awesome giveaway. And such neat ideas for the vinyl. I thought I already was a follower, but evidently just through email. I sure am now. Thank you.
I am already a follower. What a super giveaway ! I'd love to win. A woman can never have too many fun crafting tools !
I also follow you through email. I look forward to your posts. Always such unique ideas. Thank you.
Wow! what a cool project would love to have one of these but is not in the budget right now. Thanks for a chance to win! I am a follower of your blog. Linda
Hello, I follow your blog via GFC. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I also subscribe via email. Thanks!
Thanks to you and Silhouette for the chance to win the giveaway. Keeping my fingers crossed!
I Follow via GFC!
Allie Sansing
I subscribe via email!
allies1986 at gmail.com
Another great give-away! Thanks for the chance to win! I have been ab email subscriber for years!
What a terrific idea for marking your crafting goodies to make identifying them easier as well as pretty. I love your decorated binder clip container. How fun. TFS.
(Google friend follower)
I am also a follower of your Blog!
I've been a happy email follower for a long time.
I love to follow you by email then I never miss a thing.
Thanks for the helpful posts, sale alerts and the chance to win.
A follower of your blog and would love to win !
Thanks for the chance to win I love all your ideas.
Following! maggietucker10
Thank you for the opportunity! I would love this <3
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
What a great giveaway! I love your blog.
Thank you and Silhouette for this amazing giveaway! I would love love to win a Silhouette, what an amazing win this would be. I've wanted one for awhile, best of luck to everyone.
I'm already a follower via email and bloglovin.
I love this machine and want it so bad. It looks like it will do great things.
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am also an email subscriber. Thanks for all your inspiration!
This is so exciting! I'm a fan, follower and subscriber! I've had a Silhouette Cameo on my wish list for along time.
This is an awesome giveaway! I'm an email subscriber and love your ideas! Thanks again for the chance to win the Cameo!!!!
I follow your blog by email!
I also subscribe by email!
Oops, I meant to say that I follow by GFC!
I follow you on GFC!
I subscribe to your blog by gmail.
These Silhouette giveways are terrfic...fingers crossed. I've been following your blog for a long, long time and love it.
Oh these giveaways are awesome!! Thank you!! I'm an email follower, and have been from the beginning!!!!! YAY, good luck ladies!!!!
Would love to win. Thanks to you and Silhouette for the chance.
The projects are fantastic. I would love to jump on the vinyl train but need the cameo first. Thanks you for another chance to win a Silhouette.
The cell phone case is intriguing! I would love to win one of these! Thanks for the chance!
I love the designs you used! Following on GFC!
Subscribed by email colorvibrant[at]hotmail[dot]com
Wow what an amazing opportunity !! Thank you thank you !!! I follow through blogger and subscribed by email !!!
OH MY GOSH Linda I follow/stalk you every where and every way I can. Thanks soooo much for the chance to win this fabulous machine. Well I think it is I have to have one to find out.
oh wow! I would love to win the silhouette. If I did it would be a great birthday gift to me since my birthday is on aug 13th. Fingers cross.
me, me,me ,me
I add my self to your email list, thanks for the chance to win. I hope I win this for my birthday gift. day before my birthday.
fingers cross ;0)
Thanks for the chance to win! I look forward to your daily email. Hugs, Lori
I am a follower via email(glorydweller). Great giveaway!
I am following your blog! Would love to own a cameo!
I just became a follower! Awesome giveaway!
What a great giveaway. This is the only way that I can own one of these machines. I love your blog and follow it. I also subscribe to your blog so that I can see all your great work. Thanks again for the giveaway.
I am a follower and a subscriber and love to get your emails telling me about your creative projects. Thanks for the great giveaway.
i follow your blog and receive your newsletter. great giveaway and i will always enter to try and win. thank you for another chance.
Awesome giveaway!! I would love to win a Cameo to create amazing piece of work for the little kiddies in my family.
I follow your blog religiously!
I'm a follower...thanks for the chance to win!!
Thank you for the chance to win the Cameo! I an a subscriber for your YouTube channel and am currently working on creating Wine Tote Bags for a couple of my friends.
I'm a follower and also subscribe to your blog. Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway. Love all your videos and the projects that you make.
Such a wonderful giveaway, would love love love to win...would be just the perfect B-day gift for me... I already follow your blog!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
mzcherub at gmail dot com
I am now a subscriber to your email as well!
mzcherub at gmail dot com
I’ve been following your blog for a while now via RSS, and I’m also connected via Google Connect. You post a wealth of information and the projects I’ve seen have been inspiring!
I also subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks to you and Silhouette for sponsoring this giveaway!
I would love to win a Cameo for my daughter to take to college. It is so wonderful that Silhoutte America has these giveaways.
How fun is this?!!! Another chance to win a Cameo. You rock!
Have the Cricut and am not thrilled with it. Would love to win the Cameo.
Thank you for offering this giveaway! I would love to win the Cameo; just dreaming of everything I could do with it ... Thank you again!
Also subscribed to your site by email. Thanks again for the chance to win.
Thanks for the chance! I follow your blog.
Thanks for the chance. I love your idea by using vinyl to identify your products at crops. I need to scraplift this idea.
Also a follower on your blog.
Great giveaway!!! Would love to own one of these. I am a follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance to win
I now subscribe to email now
I am following your blog!
Linda I found you on YouTube while researching the ARC system and in the past few months have been also researching paper cutters. I can't tell you how happy I am to have a lot of my questions answered by your videos and now have the ability to follow your work.
Thank You!
I am following via email!
Love the projects using Cricut vinyl. .especially the cell phone case. Thsnks for the chance to win too!
2nd entry. I subscribe to your blog via email and to your YouTube channel, as well as following you on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
Am already a follower of your fun blog. Thanks for another chance at this wonderful machine.
marg0006 at verizon dot net
VERY cool. I'd love to use this machine for my artist books and jewelry. ~diana
Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I follow you on Google Friend Connect.
I follow via email also. :)
Thanks for the chance at another awesome giveaway. One of these times I'm sure I'll win. I've been a long time follower and love all that you do. Your husbands photos were brethtaking. Thanks for sharing them.
I recently discovered your tutorials on YouTube, then I started subscribing through email. It was there that I learned of this most generous giveaway. I thought the subscription meant I was also a follower, but now I know it's a separate thing. So now I'm also a follower too. Thank you for all the helpful ideas and tutorials. :)
Hi! Love your blog and would LOVE to win a CAMEO! Thanks for the opportunity!
Also a follower of your blog via email! Thanks for the additional chance!
Another giveaway!?? wow Silhouette is awesome! Thanks for another chance to win one of these great machines! I'm using a borrowed Cricut & have to say I'm not impressed. Would love to try a Silhouette!
I am a follower & love the inspiration you share.
Already a follower - such a great giveaway thanks for the chance to win!!!
I'm one of your happy followers, Linda! Thanks so much for a chance to win this incredible giveaway!
I love all your ideas. I'm following you and have you on my Bloglovin feed. Thanks for the chance to win.
I follow you through my Bloglovin feed. I love all you ideas. Thanks for the chance to win
Wow another giveaway, this is very generous of you. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I follow your blog via Feedly.
Awesome Giveaway! Would love to win. Thanks for the chance :)
My wife would absolutely love to win this! We love reading your blog!
Thanks for a totally awesome giveaway!! I am a follower on Google Friend Connect!
I subscribe via email too! Love your blog!
Wow great giveaway!! Thank you so much the chance to win!! I'm a follower of your blog.
mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com
Wow great giveaway!! Thank you so much the chance to win!! I'm a follower of your blog.
mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com
What a wonderful giveaway!
Would be great to win.
Carla from Utah
Wow that is so cool. Would love to win and thank you for the chance.
Thanks for another chance to win. I am a follower of your blog and have been for a very long time. I truly enjoy your projects and your videos. Thanks to Silhouette also.
Great giveaway! I subscribe to your blog through RSS feed (read in Feedly currently(. Thanks for the chance to win!
Would love to win a Cameo, love your blog. Thanks for a chance to win.
I'm already a follower.
I subscribe via email.
Awesome giveaway!
I follow you by e-mail
Beautiful vinyl projects, especially the binder clip tin lid, so intricate! Silhouette is a wonderful company to sponsor this giveaway.
I follow with j_ropponen@hotmail.com
Hi Linda! I've been following you for quite awhile now - subscribing to your email updates and you tube videos. Thank you for your wonderful tips and tricks :) I really like the idea of using the vinyl to 'mark' your tools. It's sooooo CUTE! I remember your other beautiful projects as well :) Now to get myself a phone lol! Would LOVE to win!!! Thank you ♥
I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.
Crafty Sister Laurie
I am an email subscriber too! Thank you for the second chance.
Crafty Sister Laurie
It sure would be fun to win now that most of the blogs I watch are using the Silhouette instead of the cricket.
What a great giveaway! This is the machine that I have been checking out but need to wait to save up for. I want it so bad and with my daughter's wedding coming up, it would be so useful. I follow you on Pinterest, get your email blog, and am a follower. Thank you to you and to Silhouette America for this great chance. I'm keeping my fingers AND toes crossed this time!
Awesome giveaway! Thank you to both you and Silhouette for another great opportunity to win. I have been saving up for a Cameo but got hit with some unexpected expenses to it would be great to win this. I am a follower of your blog and also follow you on Pinterest. I'm really crossing my fingers on this one.
I would love to win this machine I have looked at both types but just do not have the finances so this would be a dream come true
upnurse at aol dot com
Awesome giveaway! I follow your blog on my blogger homepage!
Awesome givaway...I already follow your blog :)
Thanks for the chance to win.
It was very nice to meet you at Glacier this last week. I promptly came to find your blog. This is a great giveaway. I would love to us this in my classroom. Thanks for the opportunity.
Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity.
Wow!! This is seriously TOO Cool!! Awesome Giveaway!!
Thanks for the chance to win .
Have a wonderful day,
♥ Crafting With Creative M ♥
♥ 2 Creative Chicks Challenges ♥
Already a follower, You Tube subscriber and email as well.
Have a wonderful day,
♥ Crafting With Creative M ♥
♥ 2 Creative Chicks Challenges ♥
I love your blog. I subscribe via email and would love to win a Cameo.
I signed up to follow your blog with Google. Thank you for the great giveaway.
I would LOVE a Silhouette-and CAMEO-OH YESS!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I would love to win a Silhouette...thanks for the chance!
Great giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win.
I follow your blog and thank you for a chance to win a Silhouette. It has been on my wish list for a long time.
Awesome Giveaway! I'm an e-mail subscriber!
Thanks for another great giveaway.
I follow you by e-mail and truly love all the inspiration.
Thanks again Linda and Sillouette for this fantastic give away!! This would be so much fun to own! Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh I really really want a Silhouette. This is a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.
I would love to win a Silhouette machine. It would be awesome.
Wow what a great giveaway. Thx for another chance to win one of these machine. I am a follower & subscriber to your blog & you tube channel.
I love the flower on the tin with the rhinestone. I follow on GFC. Thanks.
I follow via gmail, Thanks
I have been a follower for awhile now. Love this giveaway thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I have followed you for quite awhile.
Very creative. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to win the cameo, although I did just win the protrait, but the cameo is like having the cricut espression. You can cut bigger images and since I am a 2 page layout scrapbooker and use my cricut for most of my layouts, the cameo would be great.
Thanks for a nother chance to win this amazing gift.
I am also an email subscriber. I love your sunday post and don't want to miss them.
Thanks again, Ana
I would LOVE to win this for my daughter!
I follow your blog and subscribe by email as well
I love checking your blog with creative ideas
I've been a follower! The more I see the creative nature of this machine, the more I crave it. What a fabulous opportunity! THANKS!
Would love to win the Cameo. Your videos are so inspiring!
Love all the vinyl projects. Thanks for chance to win a Silhouette.
I keep hoping to win a cameo. I am already a subscriber and I receive your e-mails. I am really seeing some great items made with the cameo.
I would love to win this! Thanks for having this giveaway!
I follow your blog through e-mail!
I've been receiving your blog in my inbox for a while. I really enjoy your great ideas. Thanks for the opportunity to win. This is an awesome giveaway.
I love your projects! I'd love to win!
Thank you for the chance to win. This would be awesome.
I am a follower.
I have been one of your subscribers for years and love your videos. I have learned so much from them. Thanks for the chance to win the Silhouette. What a terrific giveaway!
Great vinyl projects! Thank you for another wonderful giveaway!
I would love to win a cameo. I have seen what it can do and it is amazing.
I would love to win this. I love watching your blog and all the things I'm learning, now if I only had the machine to practice. Thanks for all your time and work.
Another fantastic giveaway ! You are so awesome!
I have wanted one of these so bad! I'm gonna keep trying but one day will own one either by winning or hinting to to hubs for Christmas! Lol
Thanks again!
Of course I'm a subscriber, love getting your emails!
I am also a follower of your blog ;0)
Would love to win one. I'm following your blog.
Would love to be the proud winner - thank you for the opportunity.
Great give away! Thank you for the chance to win.
I follow your blog via email.
Thanks for the giveaway. You have a great blog.
Wow what a deal!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win! I am already a long time email follower of your blog.
Wow! another one. Love your blog, especially Fridays! Would be fabulous to win.
I love your Friday blog posts. I also follow you on u-tube. Thanks for the chance to win!!
I would love to win the Cameo. It's been a long time since I have tried something new and have heard so much about it.
Thanks for the chance to win! Love the Friday post and I am a blog and YouTube follower.
Tracey J.
I follow you through email.
I follow you by receiving emails.
A cameo...what a fantabulous giveaway!
I am a subscriber and follow your Youtube channel too.
Thanks for your inspiration!!
Hi, I an a follower and really appreciate your energy and inspiration.
WOW how this would add an amazing layer to my crafting abilities! I hope I win! Imaginere
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this great item! Would love to have it!
lThanks for this opportunity! I would love to win the silhoutte machine. I'm consider a new machine since Provo craft discontinued supporting Design Studio.
I'm a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway!
yes! I follow you!!
I want one of these so bad!!
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