I just received my Silhouette Portrait and I could not wait to make a video! I love my Cameo and was not sure if I needed a Portrait and the answer is yes, I did!
The Portrait is the perfect size to take to a crop, use in your travel trailer or motor home, plus the teal tote is adorable and very versatile. And did I mention the Portrait only weighs 3.5 pounds?
To learn more about the Portrait, please watch my video.
Now for the giveaway.

To enter to win the Silhouette Portrait cutting machine, you need to be an email subscriber of my blog. To subscribe, click on the subscribe box located on the top right side of my blog (if you are not there already). Please remember to verify your email address to subscribe and to be eligible to win, Also leave a comment under this post, only one comment per person please. For additional chances to win, please help me spread the word about the giveaway. For each mention on your blog, Facebook post, or re-pink, you receive an additional chance to win. Just leave an additional comment on this post that you did.
You have until midnight MDT on Tuesday October 14th to enter and the winner will be announced on Wednesday October 15th, 2014.
Good luck, and have a great day!
1 – 200 of 303 Newer› Newest»Super giveaway! I really want a silhouette machine. Thank you for the opportunity.
I posted on my face book page about the giveaway.
Awesome giveaway, would be lovely to own one :-)
Tiny sibling to the Cameo but just as functional!...and it's adorable too! :) Also that tote is fantastic too!
I would love to win the Portrait for it's portability. I have the Cameo and love it!! Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!
I would be honoured to have a cameo machine. So many things to cut and creativity could be done with this machine. Thank you for a chance to win. Annette
Awsome give away... As alle commenting I would LOVE to have a silhouette machine, thx for the opportunity
Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to win!
I am already subscribed to receive email. Thanks for the chance to win.
Who great giveaway it will be a dream to win this giveaway. Thank you.
Thanks for the oportunity to win! I would love to win it.
What a great giveaway !! Would be awesome to win this great product..
I've wanted to get the sihouette, but I love that the Cameo is smaller since I have limited space! Great giveaway!
Sent I don't have either one I would so like to win! I really love the tote. I have not seen this one.
Awesome giveaway. Thanks.
Of course I am already an email subscriber to your blog. (That's how I learned about this giveaway!)
tammigirl at gmail
I shared on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tammigirl/posts/10152787911308792
I'm a subscriber t0 the paper botique channel and i've learned a lot.. now that's a great apportunity i'd like to have and win .. thanks a lot
Yes, I'm already an email subscriber and really enjoy your reviews and projects. What a great giveaway, thanks for a chance to win a silhouette.
I have been an email subscriber for quite some time now! Thanks for the chance to win, love to win!
I am a subscriber! thanks for this great giveaway!
Thanks Linda for the opportunity. Love it
The portrait would be a great asset to my crafting arsenal. That for a great opportunity:)!
This is a wonderful machine. Makes it so easy to go to classes, etc. and the carrying case is so convenient.
Dianne Bell - Sewpro02@aol.com
Ohhh, what an exciting giveaway! I love my Cameo and am sure I'd love the Portrait too! Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Great giveaway. Would love to win this.
What a great giveaway! Thank you. I have never considered the Portrait but wow...what possibilities!!
Awesome giveaway Linda. I really love and want a Silhouette machine, been longing for one. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
How exciting! I could see where the smaller one could be quite handy! Thank you!
This portrait would be wonderful when I travel to my sisters in CA. We have a card crafting time with our friend Barbara each time I visit. I am always missing my Cameo. I NEED this portrait. Thanks a bunch!
Posted to Pinterest AND Facebook and to several of my SIL facebook group sites. Lovin' my Cameo,so I know I'd love that sweet little Portrait!! Perfect to bring to crops and my new craft class!! Thanks, Linda!
Thanks for the neat video! I have been on the fence for awhile, but would really love to win the Silhouette Cameo. I really like the portability of it! Great for taking to crops. Thanks for the opportunity to win. The tote is gorgeous and has so much storage. Happy that I'm a subscriber!
I am already a member of your blog. I have enjoyed it. Would love to win the Silhouette Portrait.
Thanks for the informative video. Would love to own a smaller more compact machine.
This would be so awesome! Thank you for the chance!
Blogged about it:
Thank you for the giveaway. I agree. The bag is super cute! Great video, too!
Pinned on Pinterest:
Shared on my FB page:
Great Giveaway!
Here goes, have everything crossed, so hoping that I win this. would be such a dream come true! ;) thank you so much for sharing and for your kindness too
Hugs Angie xx
I pinned to Pinterest. Was going to share on Facebook but you haven't added it to your Facebook page
Thanks for the chance to win!
Great giveaway! Would love to have a silhouette!
Thanks Linda for sharing this great product with us and for giving this opportunity to wine it.
Be still my heart ! I've been wanting to purchase this machine. I'm thrilled to have a chance to win it. Thanks so much Linda
Pinned here:
Thank you for the chance to win ! I would love a Silhouette Portrait.
I would love to win.... Thank you for the chance. Good luck to everyone
It's thrilling to watch you have so much fun with all your toys!! TFS!
I am already an email subscriber. I would love to have a Silhouette Portrait to create precisely cut elements to add to some of my mixed media art pieces. Good luck everyone!
What an amazing giveaway! That tote is super cute and functional too! tfs and a chance to win! Hugs, Kristina
Great Giveaway!!! Would love a Silhouette Portrait. Thanks for the chance.
I always want to have Silhouette Portrait because it is easy to take anywhere :D Thanks for a chance to win this!
Wonderful giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win! ~ Carol W.
Thank you for a chance to win, I could really use this.
Thanks for all the information you share and for this opportunity to own a Silhouette machine.
This is such a great giveaway, I would so love to own a Silhouette Portrait.
I was like you thinking I wouldnt need a portrait...after watching your video and reading your comments, I would love to have one!I am a follower of your blog. Thank you!
Would love to win the Silhouette Portrait. Awesome giveaway!!
I hope I win
This looks fantastic. The things I could do......
I am a subscriber by email with gulletthm (at) yahoo (dot) com
And I shared this giveaway on my Pinterest board:
Thanks Linda!
Love your blog and thanks for the chance to win - this would be super.
This would be a great gift for my parents! Thanks for doing this :D
Wonderful giveaway
and hopping to win!
Carla from Utah
I get your
e-mails and
thank you for
sending them!
Carla from Utah
I would love to have a cutting machine - the PORTRAIT is the perfect size! Enjoy reading your emails and especially the SOS ones! Thanks for your videos! CastleCreations
the silhouette is on my wish list. hope i win one thank you for your video
I would LOVE to have a Portrait. I follow your blog everyday and subscribe. Thanl you
I would love to win this die cutting machine. Thank you for the opportunity.
What a great little machine. You do such good reviews and tutorials. I have learned a lot from you. Thanks for the chance to win this little wonder. Mona
I would love to have this for crops. The size looks great :)
This would be a great prize! Thanks
I would be over the moon to win. What a great new craft room toy.
How generous...we often are on the go to visit family. This would be great to take along.
Would be such a wonderful addition to my scrap area. Love the tote!
Thanks for pointing out the differences between the two. I'm on the fence which one would be best for me. Great giveaway!
WOW thanks for the chance to win and see what the silhouette buzz is all about.
Great giveaway thanks for a chance to win!!!
love your blog! I don't have an electronic cutter, but want one. Great give away.
Thanks for the chance to win a Portrait, would love to have to take to crops.
Awesome giveaway! Tfs!!
Yes I want to win! I am already a subscriber. Thanks
How exciting and fun. Thank you
151Would love to have this special giveaway thanking you inadvance
Super giveaway. Thanks a bunch for the opportunity to win one. I loved your demo. Thanks
What a fantastic opportunity to win a Silhouette Portrait! It would be a great tool to have in my craft room. Thanks for giving me a chance.
Thank you for the chance to win.I'm already an email subscriber.
Already a subscriber! I would love love love to win the Silhouette Portrait!
This sounds like a great product! I would love to win one to try out all my ideas. Thanks!
so exciting, I did not even know Silhouette had this smaller machine available. It is perfect and I would love to have one!
It's just so pretty and sleek!! I'd love, love, love to have it!!..lol
This is awesome! Thanks for the opportunity!
This would be a great addition to my craft room. Thanks for giving us a chance to win this great little machine. Hugs~♡
How awesome that you are giving us a chance to win! Thank you so much!
Teresa in Oklahoma
I would literally pass out if I won it.
Thanks for a chance to win. I love all your videos.
Would love to get the portrait. It looks like a great machine for small places.
Looks like the Portrait is the perfect ticket for traveling and portability.
Thanks for the opportunity to win one!
What a cool tool. I have seen so many wonderful things cut with the silhouette. I'd love to have one.
thanks for the opportunity to win the great machine. I have wanted one for a while but funds are low :) would love to win one!
Thank you for the giveaway! Like you said, this would be awesome to take to crops and love that it would not take up much space on a table either!
I would really like to have a silhouette machine so thanks for the chance to win. It would be nice to be able to cut things out with it to use on cards and scrapbook pages.
Linda D.
Impressive that even though it's compact and portable the Portrait keeps up with its big brother the Silhouette. Would be amazing to win it!
I love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome machine.
Super offer. Thanks for making it possible.
Fabulous giveaway...and the Portrait looks like the perfect size for my craft room......thank you for the chance to win the Portrait....
I've been a follower for years! Thanks for the chance for this awesome give away!
Great review! I love my Cameo, but you're right! The Portrait would be great to take with me in our tiny motor home! I'd be thrilled to win! Thanks for the chance!
I like the Portrait. I don't have the Silhouette, but the smaller machine looks less intimidating!
I also pinned it on Pinterest ...on my board My Little Crafty place...Hope this counts...I would luv to win a portrait.....thanks for the chance
Great give a way! Just a newbie to the Silhouette, still learning, just love it. The portrait would be great to take to crops. Thank you for a chance to win. :)
Fabulous giveaway!!! Would love to win one!
I sure could use one of these right now! Thanks for a chance to win a fabulous machine!
I sure could use one of these right now. It's been a rough year and paper crafting with that machine is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for a chance to win.
What a great addition to our crops. This would be a huge bonus and greatly appreciated. Thank you for the opportunity.
This is so amazing! Would really love to have one of these!
I am already a subscriber :) misaacmom
Thanks for a chance to win
Would love to try it out!
Wonderful introduction and machine model comparison. Thank you!
amazing giveaway
It would make the best travel companion! Love the Cameo!
WoW what an opportunity own, play with and use with the Silhouette Portrait. Sometime ago I saw the Silhouette (can't remember which one) in action. I have problems with my hands and arms I thought this would be just the thing for me. As I was new (and still am really) to crafting I could not justify owning this piece of equipment or the price. I note the price of the portrait is not bad at all and even if I don't win I will be looking into buying a Silhouette. Thanks to The Paper Boutique xx
the cameo silhouette is truly a Magic Machine. I love mine. thanks..
i shared this on Facebook ! every paper crafter should have the chance to own this magic machine!
14I would love to win a Portrait! Thanks for giving us a chance!
Wonderful giveaway thank you for a chance to win hugs Terrie
Did not realize how compact the Portrait is, great for portability. Thanks for the giveaway.
This is so cool! I have been wanting one of these for awhile. I can see so many uses for it from personal to church projects. It is a great looking machine!
Awesome giveaway! I would live a silhouette portrait!
So excited about this giveaway!
I shared on FB
I don't have any of the electronic machines. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.
Thank you for a chance to win such a nice machine, I would be more than happy to have it, by the way, I love your YT channel.
I have the Cameo but would love to have the Portrait for it's portability. Thanks
What a great way to get into the world of digital cutting. Thank you for the chance to win.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a wonderful machine. Also thanks for sharing your creativity with the rest of the papercrafting world.
Thanks for the great giveaway. It would be great to have one.
My previous comment seems like it didn't go through I double checked it, but I can't find it. I supper love your awesome GIVEAWAY. Its my dream to own a cutting machine or silhouette machine it may sound pathetic but I would really love to own one and learn how to use it for a newbie crafter like me who has a limited resources. I hope I'm eligible to join this contest though I don't have a Youtube channel, blog, and I'm not from the USA. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I will share this post through my Facebook acct. May you have more subscriber to come and GOD BLESS for being generous in sharing your blessings and talent. Take Care always
Thank you for taking the time to set up this giveaway. :)
I pinned the giveaway http://www.pinterest.com/pin/361836151285974552/
Love to win this!! I have been thinking about this machine for a while now. great giveaway
mimicaro9650 at yahoo dot com
I have always wanted a cameo.. Thank you for this opportunity..
Really great giveaway thanks for the chance to win. I saw your video and I think would be great to win it.
Your tutorials are always inspiring and very easy to follow. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have the most awesome mental image of me crafting with my new Silhouette Portrait that I won from The Paper Boutique & I must say is it a great image. Thank you for the opportunity to win this fabulous compact cutie and for the informative video.
What an awesome give a way. It would be great to have for traveling.
Thanks for the opportunity
Nancy Griffin
what a wonderful giveaway. It would be super to win
Such a great giveaway, very exciting.
It would be so nice to win this. We have a group that meets regularly to make for people in need or just those in need of some cheer. This would be wonderful to make cards with to spread some of that cheer. Thank you for this opportunity.
It would be so nice to win this. We have a group that meets regularly to make for people in need or just those in need of some cheer. This would be wonderful to make cards with to spread some of that cheer. Thank you for this opportunity.
You always have the best ideas...I have gotten so much inspiration from your posts This is an amazing giveaway & would make a fantastic birthday surprise for me..hahaha. thanks for an opportunity to win
Oh my goodness, what a nice giveaway, thanks so much for the chance to win.
i must say it look fab and styles
and i am going to love have one , just will need to learn all about ,so that means come over to see your blog ,good luck everyone hugs linda ,have a good day
Pick me!! :) I would love to win the Portrait - have never tried one. Love reading your blog every week. Happy Scrapping!
Great giveaway. I love my Cameo and would love to be able to give the Portrait to my daughter!
Awesome giveaway, thank you for the opportunity to win.
This is the best prize ever. I would be able to travel with that and I wouldn't need to take my small clunky cricut. I find the silhouette to be more helpful and I dont need to bring tons of cartridges.
I'll keep trying until I win!
What an awesome give away! I would love to win this little gem!
Is a awesome giveaway. I've always wanted a silhouette. I hope this is how I can get it. Thanks
Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity.
i would love to win this! Thanks for the chance!
Thanks for the chance to win. What a wonderful machine.
I would love to win and say "goodby" to my old Cricut. That for the chance to win.
posted on Facebook
Thanks for the opportunity!
I got the cricut when it first came out but it's limiting.
What a cool giveaway! I already subscribe to your blog, youtube channel, google+ and FB page. I will pin this too. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for a chance to win! =)
This Is Definitely On My Wish List! So Excited For A Chance To Win The Portrait!!
Just starting out and would love to start collecting my items this way. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love your RV makeover. It turned out so cute. Thanks for the give away!
Thank you for the give away, I love your YouTube channel!
I already subscribe and look forward to every one of your posts. Will share on my Facebook Fan Page too. Thanks for the opportunity to win what looks like a really cool machine!
Shared on my Lynette Sadowy Studios page. Everyone loves a chance to win!
As of now I cut everything by hand so winning this would be a amazing gift. I love your site you are a inspiration. :)
Shared on Face Book!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I've been wanting one of these for such a long time!
Have a blessed weekend!
I posted about this on my blog...thanks, again!
Also mentioned it on facebook.
Sweet blessings,
Also, subscribing now by e-mail...thanks again!
Shared on Facebook
Thank you for this great giveaway! I would love to win the Silhouette Portrait.
what a wonderful give away and such a darling little machine. I love the cameo and certainly would love to have a portrait to add to the family.
I would LOVE a portrait:D!
Here's to my chance at luck:)
This would be an awesome WIN!!
Great giveaway! I would LOVE to have one of these. Perfect size too!
Shared on Facebook.
Pinned on Pinterest.
Hope I win! Thank you so much for the give away!!
Great giveaway. Glad you have found your blog.
Pinned on Pinterest!!
Posted on my Facebook page!
It's always great to find a new blog. Thanks
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