Silhouette’s Black Friday Sale starts on Thursday, November 26 at 12:01am MST. This is Silhouette’s BIGGEST sale of the year!! I heard from a trustworthy source that the Black Friday sale will involve machine bundle discounts with machines as low as $100.00, 50% off almost all designs in the Design Store, and 40% off almost all supplies in their store. Wow!
I will post all the details for Black Friday early Thanksgiving Day so be sure to check out my blog to get a special discount code, the link to mega savings, and all the sale details.
I am thrilled to announce that Silhouette has sponsored a Cameo Giveaway!
One of my lucky subscribers or followers will win their very own cutting machine, the Silhouette Cameo. To enter to win the Silhouette Cameo cutting machine, you need to be a subscriber or follower of my blog. You can sign up over on the right side of this blog (if you are not there already) and leave a comment under this post. Only one comment per person please. For an additional chance to win, please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you have not already, and leave an additional comment on this post saying that you did.
You have until midnight MDT on Sunday November 29 to enter and the winner will be announced on Monday November 30th.
Have a wonderful week!

1 – 200 of 266 Newer› Newest»Wow thanks for the chance and I am a subscriber!!!
I am super excited about black friday sales with Silhouette! I can't wait to see what they have on sale. Thanks for the heads up!
I am already a follower of your blog.
I am also a subscriber of your YouTube channel.
I have followed you for quite some time. Love your articles and ideas. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Thanks for the information! I have a used Portrait that I am happy to use, need to get the newest designer software so I can use it with my embroidery software!
Now THIS gets me excited for the holiday!!!!!
Hi Linda thank you so much for this awesome Giveaway! I would love to be the blessed winner.
Wow, this is such a generous giveaway. Thank you for a chance to win.
I am also a subscriber of your YouTube channel!
Thanks have a great Thanksgiving I am a subscriber.
I subscribed to your You Tube channel. Going to spen the morning checking it out. Thanks so much!
Thanks for the opportunity to win. I also subscribe to your You Tube channel.
Thanks a bunch for the opportunity to win. Have a great week!
I am a subscriber on your you tube channel
I'M already suscribed on your YouTube channel
I have followed you for years. Always get lots of great information and inspiration, thank you. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I am also a new YouTube subscriber. Thank you.
Love your very easy silhouette instructions AND your vacation pictures :)
I have been subscribed for a long time....Love your informative videos. Thanks!
Am always inspired by your blog and videos. I am a subscriber. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
I subscribe to your email list. Thank you for the amazing giveaway!
ErinLoves2Run at gmail dot com
I follow you on Youtube (Erin Ellis/ErinLoves2Run)
ErinLoves2Run at gmail dot com
I would love to win a Silhouette Cameo! I am a subscriber to your youtube channel!
I am a longtime follower, Linda, and have learned so much from you. Thank you so much for all your fabulous inspiration and instructional videos. Love 'em! To win a Cameo would be a dream come true! Thanks so much (to you and Silhouette) for the opportunity.
I am also a subscriber to your YouTube channel. Wouldn't want to miss one of your videos!
Happy Thanksgiving and I would sure like to win! I am subscribed on youtube also!
Thanks for the heads up on the sale! Thanks for the chance to win a cameo. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I am a follower via email. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
A long time follower and would love to win a Silhouette Cameo. Ahh, so many possibilities.
I subscribed to your YouTube. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
I am also a subscriber to your YouTube channel.
I love your blog so much I have subscribed via email for a while. Now your having a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!
I subscribed to your blog a while back and have loved reading it. Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow! What a wonderful giveaway. I've been subscribed to you blog and You Tube channel for some time. I'm in awe of the things you create. Thanks for this opportunity.
Happy Thanksgiving
Wow! What an awesome giveaway! I have been a subscriber to your blog for several years and youtube channel. Love your blog and seeing your adorable projects! Thank you again for the chance to win! Happy Thanksgiving!
Hoping you and yours have a very Happy Thanksgiving Linda. Thanks for the chance at winning a new machine. I would so love to be ale to make things again.
Love your blog and I'm a subscriber who would love to win a Cameo.
Subscribed. Thank you for this opportunity.
I am also a You Tube Subsciber!!!!
Thanks for the giveaway. I subscribe to your blog. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for the Black Friday hints. I also follow subscribe to your You-Tube channel.
Thank you for this opportunity to win! I've Been a follower of your blog for some time. I have learned so much from you!
Anna N.
Thank you for this opportunity to win! I've Been a follower of your blog for some time. I have learned so much from you!
Anna N.
Been following you for years and I subscribed today
What a great way to start the holidays! I have my shopping done, this would make a great gift to me!!!
Thank you for the giveaway!! I subscribe to your blog.
I subscribe on YouTube also.
Thank you for a chance to win a cameo. I have entered every giveaway. Maybe it will happen this time.
I subscribe to your YOUTUBE Channel also!
Thanks for the chance to win one of these babies!
I am a subscriber. Thanks for a chance to win.
I subscribe and would love to win one!
Also am subscribed to your You Tube channel.
I am a subscriber of your blog and just subscribed to your YouTube channel. Thanks for the chance to win this machine!
Hi Linda! I have been a subscriber to both your blog and You Tube channel for several years, and must say that I thoroughly enjoy both and have learned a lot from you. I also look forward to all of Bill's fabulous pictures. He captures such beauty, and I have seen places I would otherwise never see. Thanks to both of you, and Happy Thanksgiving.
Love your blog. Would not mind winning the silhouette cameo as I have the previous model.
I love my Silhouette Portrait, but I want BIGGER!! I have always enjoyed your blog and your photographs--love your ideas and inspiration.
I love your blog and follow it every day. Thanks for having such great ideas and a chance to win this wonderful machine!!
email subscriber
dlatany at gmail dot com
youtube subscriber
dlatany at gmail dot com
I always look forward to your emails. Thanks for the opportunity to win this. I like cats too! I have five and all came to me on their own.
Thanks for the chance to win! Thanks for the ideas.
Thank you for all of the wonderful projects you scout out for us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I do not have a Silouette and thanks for the chance to win one. I am a subscriber to both your blog and youtube channel and check them daily to see what you have for us. I really enjoy the storage suggestion that you share and Bill's beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win the Silouette.
Linda D.
Thanks for a chance to win. I have an older Cameo and would be glad to upgrade and give mine to my daughterinlaw.
Great giveaway!
I am a stalker/follower
on your blog!
Carla from Utah
I have subscribed
to your U-Tube
Carla from Utah
Thank you for the chance to win! I have been a faithful follower and youtube subscriber for quite some time. I love your projects, tips, and hints!
I am a subscriber to your You Tube channel and love your videos. They teach me so much.
Thanks for having the giveaway. I am a long time subbie and really appreciate
all your tips and the knowledge you pass on to us.
Already a follower and now subscribed to your youtube! Awesome giveaway too!
I am a subscriber to your youtube channel and thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
I am following on youtube. Awesome giveaway!
Thanks Linda for ths opportunity. I subscribed also to the youtube channel. Was maybe already but not sure. Watch it all the time so just in case.
I am a new subscriber of your blog and a long time email susbscriber. Awesome giveaway.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a Cameo! How exciting!
Thank you for the Giveaway!! A youtube subscriber and follower.
Have a blessed day,
Crafting with Creative M
Thanks for the opportunity. This is awesome, just like your blog.
I am a subscriber! Thanks for the opportunity. I would love to have one.
I'm subscribed to both your Blog and your Youtube.Thanks for the chance to win a Cameo.
Blessings Jocelan
Linda, I read your posts daily. Thanks for the chance to win the cameo!
I am a subscriber. Thanks for the chance!
I also subscribed to your youtube channel!
i would love to win this machine. i'll be watching the black friday specials for good deals too. thank you for the heads up and the chance to win one!
I subscribe to both your blog and your YouTube channel. Oh what fun it would be to win a Silhouette. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy following your blog
What a wonderful Christmas surprise this would be under my Christmas tree!!! :) Thank you, Linda!!! Thank you, Silhouette!!! (I'm feelin' lucky)!
Great giveaway. I've been a subscriber for quite some time. Thanks!
Wow!! What a great giveaway! I could put this to good use. I subscribe to your blog. Happy Thanksgiving! :)
I watch your videos all the time, and I have subbed to your YouTube channel! You have lots of inspiration and information for us!!
Subcribe to you YouTube channel! Thanks again for the chance to win! :)
I am a subscriber and love your site. Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity.
I receive your posts by Email and love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!
Long time blog follower and email subscriber. Thanks!
I am certainly a subscriber of your You Tube channel and love your videos.
Thanks for the wonderful chance to win one of these fabulous prizes.
Long time follower of your blog and your YouTube channel. Thanks!
Wow, what a generous giveaway! I am a follower to your blog:)
Sherrie K
I also just subscribed to your You Tube channel! Thanks so much for a chance!
Sherrie K
I am a blog and YouTube subscriber - Thank you!
Love your blog - have been a follower and thanks for this opportunity.
Thanks for the chance to win! I'm a subscriber and a follower! Love your blog!
Wow, thank you for a chance to win, this is such a generous giveaway, I need it!!!
Thanks for the chance to win, I'm a subscriber and a follower!
I would like to thank you for the chance to win I am a subscriber i would love to win one
Yes, I too would love to win a Silhouette Cameo! I have subscribed to your blog for sometime now and just subscribed to your You Tube channel. Thanks!
WOW! this is such an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
I've been drooling over the Cameo for awhile now. I am subscribed. Thanks
I am subscribed to your YouTube channel. Thanks
AWESOME!! love your site! Cameo would be icing on the cake
Thanks for the opportunity to win. I also subscribe to your You Tube channel.
I am a subscriber to your blog :) Thank you for the chance to win!!
I'm a long time subscriber and I'm excited for the chance to win a Silhouette. Thank You for the chance to win
Am a long-time subscriber and thanks for the chance to win a Cameo
I'm a subscriber to your blog and your you tube channel and I've learned a lot from you! Thanks for the chance to win!
I subscribe to your blog! I'd love to win!
And I subscribe to your youtube!
I would love to win! I love reading your blog, too
I am also subscribed to your YouTube channel!
email follower - flagler1965 at gmail dot com
Follow on you tube - ellen casper
I am following you via email
I follow you on youtube Kelly Brown
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I already subscribe to your YouTube channel.
I have been subscribed to blog and YouTube for quite sometime:-)
So exciting! I just subscribed to your blog :)
Also, I just subscribed to your YouTube channel.
Thanks, Linda. I would love to win this for my daughter. I talked her into getting a Cricut years ago and she tried to talk me into a Silhouette. We are both sorry that we went the Cricut route. I subscribe to your e-mails. Love all your ideas and your craft room project turned out great!
I'm a subscriber
I subscribed to your youtube channel.
I signed up to your YouTube channel
I already get your newsletter and have been subscribed to your you tube channel. Thanks for a chance to win !
This would be a Christmas wish come true! Thanks for the opportunity.
Thank you for a chance to win. Ana
Already subscribed to your youtube channel. Ana
I would love to win the Cameo. I subscribed to your blog!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win. I am an email subscriber to your blog :)
sueot33 at yahoo dot com
I am a subscriber. Thank you very much for the chance to win a cameo; I want one Santa.
Thanks so much for a chance to win.
I have subscribed to your YouTube channel. (Gilda McCain)
Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity. Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the chance to win! Subscribed to your you tube channel and newsletter. Audrey
I subscribed to your YouTube channel.
I already subscribe to both. Thanks for the heads up about the sale.
Hi Linda, Thanks for a chance to win.
I am subscribed to your YouTube channel!
Thanks for the chance to win, Linda. I have been a subscriber for some time now.
What a great giveaway! Thanks to you & Silhouette!
And I am already a follower of your You Tube channel. :-)
I am a follower. Would love to win a Cameo. Been looking at getting one.
craftymom205 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance to win!! I have enjoyed all your creative ideas. It's great to see what you can make with the Anna Griffin stuff.?p
I've been looking at the Cameo and having a chance to win one is wonderful! Thank you and Silhouette for the chance to win one.
Wow thanks for a great giveaway! I am a subscriber.
Having the chance to win a Cameo is WONDERFUL! Thanks so much. I am a subscriber and also subscribe to your YouTube channel. Thank you for all of the great ideas and info. you share with us, and for your product reviews. Our projects look really good, thanks to you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Judy Dunsmore
wow!..thank you once again Linda for giving us all the chance to win such wonderful well as sharing your creative ideas...God bless..
Thanks for the chance to win! What a great prize! I am a subscriber! :)
I also subscribe to your you tube channel! Thanks so much for the contest! Happy Thanksgiving!
Would love to win ...Thanks for the Chance
I am also a YouTube subscriber. That cameo would make a wonderful Christmas present. Thanks.
I am also a YouTube subscriber. That cameo would make a wonderful Christmas present. Thanks.
Want a great Christmas present, thanks for the chance to win. I've been a subscriber of your blog for a long time.
What a fantastic giveaway!
I have dreamed of owning this machine, but my husband's ESRD bills have kept me from purchasing one. (Lots of medical costs). I would be blessed to win. Thank you for the opportunity and have a great Thanksgiving.
LOVE LOVE your tutorials and such...wonderful in everyway....Im subscribed to your blog & youtube...I sure hope I WIN !!!
Would love a chance to win a Cameo. What an opportunity. Thank you.
I get your newsletter, is that the same thing as being a blog follower?
Love your tutorials and informative communications and I do appreciate your quick responses to my questions.
This goes with the one above. I checked and I already am a subscriber to your YouTube channel. Once again thank you for the opportunity to win a Cameo.
Hi Linda I have been a subscriber of your blog and YT channel for some time now. Thank you Silhouette and Linda for hosting this wonderful giveaway for an amazing machine. Happy Holidays!
Tracey J.
Just subscribed to your YouTube channel. Thanks for the chance to win!
Just subscribed! Thank you.
always enjoy your blog as a subscriber...thanks for the chance.
Hi! Thanks for a chance to win! I have always wanted to try the silhouette. I am a subscriber. Have a fabulously stuffed Thanksgiving!
Thanks for the chance to win! I'd be so excited to make things for my new baby girl! just subscribed, and looking forward to the deals in case I don't win ;)! have a great Thanksgiving!
Just subscribed on YouTube also :)
As a relatively new follower of your posts, I am always excited to see what is new on your site. Especially like SOS and watching your easy to follow videos. Glad to have met you along my crafting journey.
Thanks for the great site and chance to win.
I signed up to follow you on Youtube.
I follow through Bloglovin and also follow your Youtube! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
Thank you for a chance to win this awesome machine!
I follow you on You Tube! KayC220
I am also subscriber to you chanel.
thank you a great chance to win :) just subscibe now
That would be the ultimate Christmas gift!....good luck everyone!
Thank you so much for the chance to win this great gift! I love your emails and your channel.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this - what a great Xmas present!
Thanks for the chance to win a great give away. I've been a subscriber for a long time. Love your website.
Thanks for the chance! I'm a new I'm a subscriber :)
I follow on YouTube - Devon Franco
Thanks for a chance to win. I've followed you for a while now...great blog!
I follow you on YouTube.
What a great giveaway! Fingers crossed & thanks for the chance to win!! Happy Thanksgiving!
I've been a subscriber to your YouTube channel for a while now! Love it!
Such an awesome giveaway. Have enjoyed your blog for a few years now and have it bookmarked on my MAC! :)
wow awesome give away I have subscribed to your Youtube channel also!!
I love your youtube channel and I am a subscriber. I have learned so much from you.
Thanks for the give away chance!
Also subscribing your youtube channel! so interesting
What a fun giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win! I started following your blog. =)
I am also a subscriber of your YouTube channel.
it would be a really big surprise to win a silhouette cameo. i have the cricut , but the cameo one can even do more in making cards.
How kind that you are giving away a Silhouette Cameo.
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